Home Grown
Rooted in Family, Growing in Tradition

With produce, its personal
Royal owners Craig Fleming and Mark Whitehurst started out as produce competitors. Realizing they could be stronger and better together, Fleming and Whitehurst joined forces in 1994.
While the name Royal is a nod to the superb quality and excellent service given to every customer, the moniker originates from the first warehouse location on Royal Drive. Growing by leaps and bounds, Royal moved to a larger warehouse in 1999 and further expanded in 2004 with Royal’s state of the art warehouse totaling over 53,000 square feet.

Our Mission
At Royal, our mission is to nourish our communities by delivering fresh ingredients, valued partnerships, and unparalleled customer service.

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far from the Tree
Having grown up in the produce industry alongside their fathers, when the time came to pass the Royal reins, Fleming and Whitehurst’s children were at the ready. Following in the footsteps of their fathers and well versed in all things produce, Royal’s legacy continues with the next generation: Adam Fleming came aboard in 2007 and is currently serving as President. Kevin Whitehurst and Austin Fleming teamed up in 2012 to lead Royal’s processing company, Royal Fresh Cuts. Katie Whitehurst joined the Royal family in 2013 where she serves as Sales Manager & School Director.

Custom-Cut Fresh Produce
Royal Fresh Cuts, a sister company to Royal Food Service, was founded in 2013 as a way to provide customers with a line of premium fresh-cut produce.
Royal Fresh Cuts has more than doubled in size. Our state of the art facility creates coined, cubed, curled, cut, diced, julienne, and sliced produce tailored to each customer’s specific needs to streamline preparation while ensuring high quality and no waste.